Tips for starting your craving control journey


Start your craving control with us today! It’s a vicious cycle: you crave something, so you eat it. Then, the craving returns 10 minutes later and you need to have another piece of whatever it is that got your attention. This can go on for hours or even days before finally being satisfied with whatever was desired as a result of the craving. In this blog post, we will share 10 tips for controlling cravings to help break this cycle!

Identify your craving triggers

When you feel a food craving coming on, identify what triggered it. Were you bored? Stressed? Feeling down or angry? Identifying the trigger will allow you to anticipate these cravings and prepare for them by avoiding the trigger. If you can’t avoid the trigger, try distracting yourself with something else.

For example, if boredom is a common trigger for your food cravings, go do something fun to keep your mind off of being bored!

Drink cold water to help with cravings for sweet foods

Coldwater can help satisfy a craving for sweet foods by activating the body’s reaction to cold water.

This helps with sugar cravings because our bodies are used to associating sweet flavours and high temperatures, so when we drink something that is very different (cold) it tricks our brains into thinking that what we just drank was actually dessert!

craving control

Eat healthy snacks like fruits, vegetables, and nuts when you’re feeling hungry or bored 

It’s easy to eat junk food when you’re bored or hungry, but it’s much healthier (and cheaper!) to reach for healthy snacks like fruits and vegetables.

This is a good step towards controlling cravings because our bodies crave foods that are high in nutrients, not empty calories!

For example, if you get food cravings for chips and dip, try eating celery sticks instead.

Your body will thank you later!

Try to limit processed foods as much as possible because these tend to be high in calories and low on nutrition (they can even make your cravings worse!)

Make sure you always have healthy snacks like vegetables or fruits around the house so that when the craving hits, you can just grab something healthy to eat.

This is a great way to control cravings because then when the time comes that you actually need food (like after dinner) it will be easier for you to make good choices!

sliced carrots and green vegetable


Exercise is an excellent way to control cravings.

This step can be particularly helpful when you feel like snacking because it raises your metabolism and releases chemicals in the brain that trigger a sense of satisfaction or fullness!

For example, if you get a craving for ice cream at night after dinner, try going on walk instead.

This step will help you to feel better physically and mentally so that when the craving finally goes away, it won’t come back as strong!

Exercising has been proven time and time again to be a very effective way of managing cravings because not only does it release chemicals in your brain that make you happy but it also makes you feel better physically!

In addition to this, exercise can help with stress and anxiety so those are two more reasons why it’s a great way of controlling cravings.

woman exercising indoors

Get enough sleep at night so your body has time to recover from all its hard work during the day 

Did you know that lack of sleep can actually make your cravings worse?

If you’re lacking in sleep, it’s going to be harder for you to control cravings because the chemicals in your brain are already out of balance!

This is a very important step when it comes to controlling cravings because not getting enough sleep will only make you crave less healthy foods more often!

For example, if you usually get a craving for ice cream at night after dinner but this time it’s because you didn’t sleep enough the night before, try eating something else that will give your body some nutrients instead.

This step is helpful when trying to control cravings because you’ll be less tempted to eat junk food if you’re already feeling tired and out of it!

Try eating something that will give your body some nutrients instead.

You’ll be less likely to crave unhealthy snacks when you feel like garbage!

It’s also important for us to get enough sleep at night because our bodies are working hard all day.

person lying on bed while covering face with pillow and holding eyeglasses

Keep track of what you eat

Keeping track of what you eat and drink is an excellent way for controlling cravings.

This step can be particularly helpful when trying to manage your sugar intake because then you’ll know how much (or little!) sugar there actually is in the products that you’re consuming!

For example, if you get a craving for ice cream at night, try drinking some water first to see if the craving goes away.

This step is helpful when trying to control cravings because it lets you know exactly what’s going on with your body!

It also helps you determine whether or not there are certain foods that trigger your cravings so then you can avoid them altogether.

In addition to this, keeping track of what you eat and drink is a very effective way of controlling cravings because it helps balance your diet!

black and silver retractable pen on blank book

Avoid eating out too often

Eating out too often is not a good idea for controlling cravings.

This step can be particularly helpful when trying to avoid junk food because most restaurants nowadays serve unhealthy foods!

For example, if you get a craving for ice cream after dinner, try cooking something healthy instead so that way your body gets the nutrients it needs and does not crave junk food.

We have plenty of recipes on our website to check out!

burger and fries on brown paper bag

Limit drinks with sugar in them

Drinks with sugar in them are not a great idea for controlling cravings.

This step can be particularly helpful when trying to avoid snacking too much because many drinks like soda, juice, and iced tea contain high amounts of sugar which will make you crave more food!

For example, if you get a craving for ice cream after dinner, try drinking some water instead so that way you’re not tempted to eat more.

This step is helpful when trying to control cravings because it keeps your body hydrated which will prevent unnecessary cravings!

It also helps balance out the amount of sugar in your diet and keep your blood sugar levels stable.

In addition to this, limiting drinks with sugar in them is a great way for controlling cravings because it helps you avoid going overboard when drinking something sweet!

Reward yourself after each successful week without giving in to cravings

Rewarding yourself after each successful week without giving in to cravings is a great idea for controlling cravings.

Final thoughts

It’s time to stop listening to the voice in your head that says, “I can have just one.” You are stronger than you think and know what is best for yourself. Keep these 9 tips handy so when cravings strike, you will be ready!

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