Nautilus T614 Treadmill Review – Worth It?


In this Nautilus T614 treadmill review, we are going to let you choose why you really should buy this. Afterward, you can work out as to whether you want to hand over your cash or not?

Firstly, we have spent a long time looking at facts about this treadmill from reviews all over the internet. We want to share all of it with you in this post.

Sole Fitness is the maker of the Nautilus. And, they are one of the few health and fitness companies on this planet who do their treadmills.

They are from 1986. The treadmills have a reputation for themselves as being “excellent quality.”

The Nautilus T614 treadmill is the cheapest that they do in the T series. Although they also have a pro series too, however, this is for commercial use. And that is, as we are aware, not what you are searching for right now. In other words, this site will only review “home” gym fitness equipment.

And we mean by this, that although commercial exercise equipment is fantastic, you may not want to join a gym. So we are talking only of home exercises.
Nautilus t614 Treadmill Review, A Photo Of The Treadmill.

Who Will Get The Most From The Nautilus T614 Treadmill


With the Nautilus T614 treadmill only being a basic level treadmill. The aim is anyone that is just starting their journey towards gaining better health and improved fitness.

There are lots of programs on it to help, for the novice. But they go right the way through to the person with more experience and has the runner’s settings for them. So finding a routine for yourself will not be difficult

The T614 we feel we must make clear from the outset. It is not for the use of anyone under the age of 14. Therefore, under no circumstances should any children be either on or near it. On account of it has moving parts. You should always treat it with respect it deserves. It is for use by adults only.

This machine also should be on a level surface. It would be very dangerous to use it on any ground that is not level.

Please do not worry though as the owners manual is very comprehensive. It walks you through everything from getting it ready to the looking after of the Nautilus.

There follows a list of the pros and cons of owning this particular treadmill.

Some Of The Pros Of The Nautilus T614 Treadmill

  • It is straightforward to put up into the storage position and take down ready to use. When taking it down, you place your foot on a metal “lever.” And guide the treadmill into the ready to use place. Yes, the treadmill even has an automatic lowering system. That means it lowers itself into the position for you to use.


  • It certainly has a vast variety of pre-programmed workouts to choose. So, finding a suitable one will never be an issue. However, if you do not wish to bother with a program at that time, then you can use the green button as a quick start. You can then use the buttons on the left and right of the screen. That will select the pace and incline that you want. Very simple.


  • The console is full of features. It has a fan, and all the programs are there for you to change at the touch of a button. Down to the side of the console are the incline settings for when you wish to adjust the difficulty of your workout. If you are in any doubt, the console is easy to use.

More Pros Of The Nautilus T614 Treadmill


  • We know that a lot of people dread using a treadmill because of the fear of the console. This one is very simplistic. It has a red button for canceling or stopping anything.
  • However, you can say the opposite of the green button. It is there to press when you wish to perform an action that you have selected.


  • When you do press the green for “go,” it is essential to know that Nautilus has a very safe way of starting you off. It starts very slowly and then will build up to the speed you have set it. Much like real running when you do not reach your maximum acceleration from a total standstill. Right, no you build up to it.


  • There is also another brilliant device in place. Yes, the treadmill has an emergency stop key so that when you step away from it, it automatically stops and can in no way start again without the use of that key. Much like an outboard motor on a boat. A fantastic safety feature. I am sure you would agree if there are children present in the house at the time of use.


  • You do not need to worry about them “accidentally” starting it up. Neither will you hurt yourself as the key comes with the elasticated fixture that you can put on your waistband. That is, in case you have a regrettable slip, trip or fall. It will pull the key out from its position, and therefore the treadmill will stop working.

You can go here to read another Nautilus T614 treadmill review.


Even More Pros Of The Nautilus T614 Treadmill ( The List Goes On And On)


  • There is also a built-in fan too. Perfect for lowering your external temperature and cooling you down when you become hot and sweaty from an intense workout. This fan is adjustable as well as it will cater for you whatever your height may be — a great little feature.


  • Blue backlit LCD screen which makes it easy to read even in the low-level light. That has to be something worth noting as not all of us will have 20/20 vision.


  • There are many programs. They will also help to keep working out enjoyable. And they will take your mind a little off the “training.” With the full audio feature.


  • The Nautilus T614 treadmill has the usual distance traveled, time, calories burned. That is something that you need to be aware of, yes?



  • Acoustic chamber speakers for big sound


  • 300 pounds as the most user weight, that is more than a lot of other treadmills



  • The running area is 20 inches wide by 55 inches long. Ample space.

The Treadmills Running Platform

Cons Of The Nautilus T614 Treadmill

  • The warranty is poor. There is no lifetime warranty not even on the frame. It is just ten years on the frame, 1-year labor and two years on the electrical parts. That, to me, is not good.


  • Next, there is the customer service. It may not meet your expectations. One customer reported-


  • That is just a small point. But, you can measure your heart rate via touch grip sensors. They are on the “handlebars” of the apparatus. Or you can have it done by a wireless chest strap. However, this chest strap is not with it.

“I called Nautilus T614 treadmill customer service. They went through the usual steps to try and understand what was wrong with it. And they did mention that the computer board in the base must not be working correctly. They also did say that a new part was going to find its way to me as soon as possible. And someone would call me to set up a service date.

It’s over a week, and apparently, the part is not even in dispatch yet. I cannot seem to get official status, and it will most likely be another 1-2 weeks. That is from having someone also look at this thing. Which even then I am not sure that I will fix the item at that point.”

That is a little worrying.

My Final Thinking On The Nautilus T614 Treadmill

We look at many reviews on the Nautilus t614 treadmill, and we must say, it seems a perfect treadmill. But, we must say that it appears as if customer service is not their thing.

And, it is for this reason, you will have to hope you never need to call them. That is because of a large number of people who went on to buy the Nautilus t614 treadmill. Well, they were all in all happy with their excellent buy.

That may have been one of just a few examples of bad customer service. As on the whole, things look promising for the treadmill.

Remember this; summer is just arriving soon. So you should try and lose weight naturally with this. And we all know how we want to look good for that time of year. So, I see this treadmill as an option.


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I am of course talking about the exercise. Got to this link “Home gym fitness equipment.” There you will see some unique items which will bring you success in your weight loss.

Please leave any comments or questions about the Nautilus T614 treadmill below, and I’ll reply within 24 hours.

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